Set-StrictMode -version 3 $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop" $Script:LogFile = Join-Path -Path $Env:TEMP -ChildPath "NanoServerImageGenerator.log" $Script:DismLogFile = Join-Path -Path $Env:TEMP -ChildPath "NanoServerImageGenerator (DISM).log" $Script:VSDebuggerBinariesPath = Join-Path -Path ${Env:CommonProgramFiles(x86)} -ChildPath "Microsoft Shared\Phone Tools\14.0\Debugger\target\x64" $Script:VSRedistOnecorePath = Join-Path -Path ${Env:ProgramFiles(x86)} -ChildPath "Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\redist\onecore" $Script:VSCRTReleaseBinariesPath = Join-Path -Path $Script:VSRedistOnecorePath -ChildPath "x64\Microsoft.VC140.CRT" $Script:VSCRTDebugBinariesPath = Join-Path -Path $Script:VSRedistOnecorePath -ChildPath "debug_nonredist\x64\Microsoft.VC140.DebugCRT" $Script:VSUCRTBinariesPath = Join-Path -Path ${Env:ProgramFiles(x86)} -ChildPath "Windows Kits\10\bin\x64\ucrt" ### ----------------------------------- ### Constants ### ----------------------------------- $IMAGE_NAME = "NanoServer.wim" $IMAGE_CONVERTER = "Convert-WindowsImage.ps1" $KERNEL_DEBUG_KEY_FILE = "KernelDebugKey.txt" $BCD_TEMPLATE_PCAT_ENTRY = "``{a1943bbc-ea85-487c-97c7-c9ede908a38a``}" $BCD_TEMPLATE_EFI_ENTRY = "``{b012b84d-c47c-4ed5-b722-c0c42163e569``}" $LEVEL_WARNING = "WARNING" $LEVEL_VERBOSE = "VERBOSE" $LEVEL_OUTPUT = "OUTPUT" $LEVEL_NONE = "NONE" $DT_HOST = "Host" $DT_GUEST = "Guest" $Script:Editions = @{ "Standard" = 1 "Datacenter" = 2 } $PACK_STORAGE = "Microsoft-NanoServer-Storage-Package" $PACK_COMPUTE = "Microsoft-NanoServer-Compute-Package" $PACK_DEFENDER = "Microsoft-NanoServer-Defender-Package" $PACK_CLUSTERING = "Microsoft-NanoServer-FailoverCluster-Package" $PACK_OEM_DRIVERS = "Microsoft-NanoServer-OEM-Drivers-Package" $PACK_GUEST_DRIVERS = "Microsoft-NanoServer-Guest-Package" $PACK_CONTAINERS = "Microsoft-NanoServer-Containers-Package" $PACK_RAMDISK = "Microsoft-NanoServer-BootFromWim-Package" $PACK_HOST = "Microsoft-NanoServer-Host-Package" ### ----------------------------------- ### Strings ### ----------------------------------- Data Strings { # culture="en-US" ConvertFrom-StringData @' # "Administrator" refers to the Windows user account. ERR_USER_MUST_BE_ADMINISTRATOR = This script must be run as Administrator. # The strings after the dashes are not translatable. ERR_INCLUDE_DOMAIN_NAME_OR_DOMAIN_BLOB_PATH = Include either -DomainName or -DomainBlobPath, not both. ERR_INCLUDE_COMPUTER_NAME_OR_DOMAIN_BLOB_PATH = Include either -ComputerName or -DomainBlobPath, not both. ERR_DOMAIN_NAME_NO_COMPUTER_NAME = -DomainName was included, but not -ComputerName. ERR_EMS_PORT_WITH_NO_EMS = -EMSPort was included, but not -EnableEMS. ERR_DEBUG_AND_EMS_PORTS_EQUAL = Both the kernel debugging port and the EMS port cannot be the same. ERR_REUSE_NODE_WITHOUT_JOIN = -ReuseDomainJoin was specified without -DomainName nor -DomainBlobPath. ERR_KDNET_KEY_NOT_PRODUCED = Unable to create KDNET key automatically, please provide one. ERR_NO_INTERFACE_SPECIFIED = When changing IP configuration, -InterfaceNameOrIndex needs to be specified. ERR_RAMDISK_FOR_WIM_ONLY = Only WIM images are supported for RAMDisk boot. ERR_INCLUDE_OEM_WITH_DT_GUEST = Do not include -OEMDrivers ('{0}') when -DeploymentType is {1}. ERR_IMAGE_WAS_NOT_PRODUCED = The requested image could not be created. Please consult the command output for additional information. ERR_REUSE_DOMAIN_NAME = The domain name might have been already used. You might need to rerun with -ReuseDomainNode. ERR_MSVS_REQUIRED = You have to install Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 Update 1 or higher in order to use -Development. You will also need to enable 'Common Tools for Visual C++' and 'Tools and Windows 10 SDK'. ERR_PACKAGE_NOT_APPLICABLE = Package '{0}' is not applicable to the selected edition. ERR_PASSWORD_EMPTY = Administrator password cannot be empty. # {0} is a number. ERR_EXTERNAL_CMD = Failed with {0}. # For the next block of messages, the strings between single quotes are not translatable. ERR_DIRECTORY_DOES_NOT_EXIST_IN_MEDIA_DIRECTORY = The '{0}' directory does not exist in the specified media path. # {2} is a path. ERR_DIRECTORY_DOES_NOT_EXIST_IN_DIRECTORY = The '{0}' directory does not exist in the '{1}' directory ('{2}'). ERR_BASE_DIRECTORY_DOES_NOT_EXIST = The specified base directory does not exist. ERR_DIRECTORY_DOES_NOT_EXIST_IN_BASE_DIRECTORY = The '{0}' directory does not exist in the specified base directory. ERR_IMAGE_DOES_NOT_EXIST = The '{0}' image does not exist in the 'NanoServer' directory. ERR_IMAGE_DOES_NOT_EXIST_IN_BASE_DIRECTORY = The '{0}' image does not exist in the specified base directory. ERR_IMAGE_CONVERTER_SCRIPT_DOES_NOT_EXIST = The image converter script ('{0}') does not exist in the directory where this script is located. ERR_PACKAGE_DOES_NOT_EXIST = Package '{0}' does not exist. ERR_LANGUAGE_PACKAGE_DOES_NOT_EXIST = Language package '{0}' does not exist. ERR_ONE_OR_MORE_PACKAGES_DO_NOT_EXIST = One or more packages do not exist. ERR_DOMAIN_BLOB_DOES_NOT_EXIST = The specified domain blob does not exist. ERR_DRIVERS_DIRECTORY_DOES_NOT_EXIST = The specified drivers directory does not exist ('{0}'). ERR_SPECIFIED_IMAGE_DOES_NOT_EXIST = The specified VHD(X)/WIM image does not exist. ERR_ONLY_ONE_PATH_PERMITTED = MediaPath and BasePath specified, but only one path expected. ERR_COPY_FILES_DOES_NOT_EXIST = CopyFiles specified but does not exist. ERR_MEDIA_PATH_WAS_NOT_SPECIFIED = MediaPath has not been specified. You need to run New-NanoServerImage with -MediaPath first. ERR_UNATTEND_TEMPLATE_DOES_NOT_EXIST = The specified Unattend file does not exist. # New-NanoImage cannot be translated. LOG_HEADER = {0} Cmdlet Started # {0} is a file path. MSG_DONE = Done. The log is at: {0} # {0} is a file path. MSG_TERMINATING_DUE_TO_ERROR = Terminating due to an error. See log file at: {0} MSG_COMPUTING_PATHS = Computing paths... MSG_CHECKING_PATHS = Checking paths... MSG_CREATING_PATHS = Creating paths... MSG_COPYING_FILES = Copying files... MSG_SKIPPING_FILE_COPY = Skipping file copy. MSG_CONVERTING_IMAGE = Converting image... MSG_MOUNTING_IMAGE = Mounting image... MSG_COPYING_FILES_TO_IMAGE = Copying files to the image... MSG_SKIPPING_COPYING_FILES_TO_IMAGE = Skipping copying of files to the image. MSG_ADDING_DEBUGGER = Adding debugger... MSG_ADDING_PACKAGES = Adding packages... # {0} is a file name. MSG_ADDING_PACKAGE = Adding package '{0}'... # {0} is a file name. MSG_ADDING_LANGUAGE_PACKAGE = Adding language package for '{0}'... MSG_SKIPPING_PACKAGE_ADDITION = Skipping package addition. MSG_ADDING_DRIVERS = Adding drivers... MSG_SKIPPING_DRIVER_ADDITION = Skipping driver addition. # The file name is not translatable. MSG_ADDING_UNATTEND = Adding Unattend.xml... MSG_COLLECTING_DOMAIN_BLOB = Collecting domain provisioning blob... MSG_JOINING_DOMAIN = Joining domain... MSG_SETUPCOMPLETE_CHANGES_FOR_BOOTED_MEDIA = If the target image has been already booted, some of the requested changes will not be applied ({0}). MSG_ENABLING_DEBUG = Enabling Debug and BootDebug... # {0} is a file path. MSG_KERNEL_DEBUG_KEY_FILE = Find the kernel debugging key at: {0} MSG_ENABLING_EMS = Enabling EMS and BootEMS... MSG_ENABLING_TESTSIGNING = Enabling TestSigning... MSG_DISMOUNTING_IMAGE = Dismounting image... MSG_TARGET_IMAGE = Target image: '{0}' MSG_START_DEBUGGER = Before starting the debugging session, start the debugger server in remote PS session using {0}. '@ } # Import localized strings Import-LocalizedData Strings -FileName NanoServerImageGenerator.Strings.psd1 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue ### ----------------------------------- ### Get-NanoServerPackage Cmdlet ### ----------------------------------- Function Get-NanoServerPackage { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( # Location of the source media. [String]$MediaPath, # Where to place the copy of the source media. [String]$BasePath ) Process { Write-LogHeader $Script:NewImage = $True # Tracking (used to handle Ctrl-C gracefully) $HasWorkFinished = $False # Phase 0 try { if ($MediaPath -and $BasePath) { Throw $Strings.ERR_ONLY_ONE_PATH_PERMITTED } Initialize-PathValues ` -BasePath $BasePath ` -MediaPath $MediaPath Test-Paths $Dirs = @() if ($Script:HasMediaPath) { $Dirs += $Script:PackagesPath $Dirs += $Script:LanguagePackagesPath } else { $Dirs += $Script:BasePackagesPath $Dirs += $Script:BaseLanguagePackagesPath } $Packages = $Dirs | ForEach-Object { (Get-ChildItem -Path $_ -Filter "*.cab").Name } | % { Get-PackageName $_ } | Sort-Object | Get-Unique $HasWorkFinished = $True return $Packages } catch { Write-Log $LEVEL_WARNING ("{0}`n{1}" -f $_, $_.ScriptStackTrace) -NoOutput Write-Log $LEVEL_WARNING ($Strings.MSG_TERMINATING_DUE_TO_ERROR -f $Script:LogFile) $True Throw } } } ### ----------------------------------- ### New-NanoServerImage Cmdlet ### ----------------------------------- Function New-NanoServerImage { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( # Deployment type for the produced image. [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position=0)] [ValidateSet("Host", "Guest")] [String]$DeploymentType, # Edition of the produced image. [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position=1)] [ValidateSet("Standard", "Datacenter")] [String]$Edition, # Location of the source media. [Parameter()] [String]$MediaPath, # Where to place the copy of the source media. [Parameter()] [String]$BasePath, # Path to the produced image. [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)] [ValidatePattern('\.(vhdx?|wim)$')] [String]$TargetPath, # Output image maximum size. [ValidateRange(512MB, 64TB)] [UInt64]$MaxSize = 4GB, # Include the Storage package. [Switch]$Storage, # Include the Compute (Hyper-V) package. [Switch]$Compute, # Include the Windows Defender package. [Switch]$Defender, # Include the Failover Clustering package. [Switch]$Clustering, # Include the OEM Drivers package. [Switch]$OEMDrivers, # Include the Containers package. [Switch]$Containers, # Include the following packages from media. [String[]]$Packages, # Include the following servicing packages. [String[]]$ServicingPackages, # Name to give to the target computer. [ValidateLength(1, 15)] [String]$ComputerName, # Password for the administrator account of the target computer. [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)] [SecureString]$AdministratorPassword, # Unattend template path [String]$UnattendPath, # Name of the domain. [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [String]$DomainName, # Location of the domain blob. [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [String]$DomainBlobPath, # Force reusing a node when joining a domain. [Switch]$ReuseDomainNode, # Location of additional drivers to include. [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [String]$DriversPath, # Configure this interface statically. [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [String]$InterfaceNameOrIndex, # Set statically IPv6 address. [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [String]$Ipv6Address, # Set statically IPv6 DNS servers. [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [String[]]$Ipv6Dns, # Set statically IPv4 address. [ValidatePattern('^((25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1?\d?\d)\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1?\d?\d)$')] [String]$Ipv4Address, # Set statically IPv4 subnet mask. [ValidatePattern('^((25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1?\d?\d)\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1?\d?\d)$')] [String]$Ipv4SubnetMask, # Set statically IPv4 gateway. [ValidatePattern('^((25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1?\d?\d)\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1?\d?\d)$')] [String]$Ipv4Gateway, # Set statically IPv4 DNS servers. [ValidatePattern('^((25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1?\d?\d)\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1?\d?\d)$')] [String[]]$Ipv4Dns, # Enable Debug and BootDebug in the target BCD. [ValidateSet("Serial", "Net", "1394", "USB")] [String]$DebugMethod, # Enable EMS and BootEMS in the target BCD. [Switch]$EnableEMS, # Port to use for EMS. [Parameter()] [Byte]$EMSPort = 1, # Baud rate to use for EMS. [Parameter()] [UInt32]$EMSBaudRate = 115200, # Open port 5985 for inbound TCP connections for WinRM from any location, # not just the domain network and the local subnet. [Switch]$EnableRemoteManagementPort, # Will be copied into the root of the image. [String[]]$CopyFiles, # List of commands to be executed after the setup completes. [String[]]$SetupCompleteCommands, # Enable RAMDisk boot. [Switch]$RamdiskBoot, # Enable for development scenarios. [Switch]$Development ) DynamicParam { $DynamicParameters = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary if (-not (Test-Path Variable:\DebugMethod)) { $DebugMethod = $null } switch ($DebugMethod) { "Serial" { # Debug Port $DebugCOMPort = New-DynamicParameter "DebugCOMPort" Byte 2 $DynamicParameters.Add($DebugCOMPort.Name, $DebugCOMPort) # Debug Baud Rate $DebugBaudRate = New-DynamicParameter "DebugBaudRate" UInt32 115200 $DynamicParameters.Add($DebugBaudRate.Name, $DebugBaudRate) } "Net" { # Remote IP $DebugRemoteIP = New-DynamicParameter "DebugRemoteIP" String -Mandatory -NotNull $DynamicParameters.Add($DebugRemoteIP.Name, $DebugRemoteIP) # Remote Port $DebugPort = New-DynamicParameter "DebugPort" UInt16 -Mandatory $DynamicParameters.Add($DebugPort.Name, $DebugPort) # Key $DebugKey = New-DynamicParameter "DebugKey" String -NotNull $DynamicParameters.Add($DebugKey.Name, $DebugKey) } "1394" { # Channel $DebugChannel = New-DynamicParameter "DebugChannel" UInt16 -Mandatory $DynamicParameters.Add($DebugChannel.Name, $DebugChannel) } "USB" { # Target Name $DebugTargetName = New-DynamicParameter "DebugTargetName" String -Mandatory -NotNull $DynamicParameters.Add($DebugTargetName.Name, $DebugTargetName) } } return $DynamicParameters } Process { Write-LogHeader $Script:NewImage = $True # Checks Verify-UserIsAdministrator if ($Development) { Verify-MSVS14U1Installed } if ($DomainName -and $DomainBlobPath) { Throw $Strings.ERR_INCLUDE_DOMAIN_NAME_OR_DOMAIN_BLOB_PATH } if ($DomainBlobPath -and $ComputerName) { Throw $Strings.ERR_INCLUDE_COMPUTER_NAME_OR_DOMAIN_BLOB_PATH } if ($DomainName -and !$ComputerName) { Throw $Strings.ERR_DOMAIN_NAME_NO_COMPUTER_NAME } if (!$EnableEMS -and $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("EMSPort")) { Throw $Strings.ERR_EMS_PORT_WITH_NO_EMS } if ($OEMDrivers -and $DeploymentType -eq $DT_GUEST) { Throw ($Strings.ERR_INCLUDE_OEM_WITH_DT_GUEST -f $PACK_OEM_DRIVERS, $DT_GUEST) } if (($DebugMethod -eq "Serial") -and $EnableEMS -and ($DebugCOMPort.Value -eq $EMSPort)) { Throw $Strings.ERR_DEBUG_AND_EMS_PORTS_EQUAL } if ($ReuseDomainNode -and (!$DomainName -and !$DomainBlobPath)) { Throw $Strings.ERR_REUSE_NODE_WITHOUT_JOIN } if (($Ipv4Address -or $Ipv6Address -or $Ipv4Dns -or $Ipv6Dns) -and -not $InterfaceNameOrIndex) { Throw $Strings.ERR_NO_INTERFACE_SPECIFIED } if ($RamdiskBoot -and -not ($TargetPath -like "*.wim")) { Throw $Strings.ERR_RAMDISK_FOR_WIM_ONLY } if ($AdministratorPassword -and -not (ConvertTo-String $AdministratorPassword)) { Throw $Strings.ERR_PASSWORD_EMPTY } # Tracking (used to handle Ctrl-C gracefully) $HasWorkFinished = $False $HasMountedImage = $False $HasMountedEsp = $False $SystemPartitionGuid = $Null # Phase 0 $Packages = [String[]](Initialize-Packages ` -Packages $Packages ` -Storage:$Storage ` -Compute:$Compute ` -Defender:$Defender ` -Clustering:$Clustering ` -OEMDrivers:$OEMDrivers ` -GuestDrivers:($DeploymentType -eq $DT_GUEST) ` -Containers:$Containers ` -RamdiskBoot:$RamdiskBoot ` -Host:($DeploymentType -eq $DT_HOST)) try { Initialize-PathValues ` $BasePath ` $TargetPath ` $DriversPath ` $DomainBlobPath ` $Packages ` -MediaPath $MediaPath ` -MaxSize $MaxSize ` -CopyFiles $CopyFiles Initialize-Paths Test-Paths $Packages $ServicingPackages $UnattendPath # Phase 1 Copy-Files Convert-Image $Edition if ($RamdiskBoot) { Enable-RamdiskBoot } # Phase 2 Mount-Image $HasMountedImage = $True if ($Development) { Add-Debugger } Add-Files Add-Packages $Packages $ServicingPackages Add-Drivers $Development # Phase 3 Add-ServicingDescriptor $ComputerName $AdministratorPassword $UnattendPath Join-Domain $ComputerName $DomainName $ReuseDomainNode # Phase 4 if ($EnableRemoteManagementPort -or $InterfaceNameOrIndex -or $SetupCompleteCommands -or $Development) { Write-SetupComplete ` $EnableRemoteManagementPort ` $InterfaceNameOrIndex ` $Ipv6Address ` $Ipv6Dns ` $Ipv4Address ` $Ipv4SubnetMask ` $Ipv4Gateway ` $Ipv4Dns ` $SetupCompleteCommands ` $Development } if ($DebugMethod -or $EnableEMS -or $Development) { switch ($Script:ImageFormat) { "vhdx" { $SystemPartitionGuid = Mount-AsBasicData $HasMountedEsp = $True $BCDPath = "$Script:TargetMountEspPath\efi\microsoft\boot\bcd" } "vhd" { $BCDPath = "$Script:TargetMountPath\boot\bcd" } default { $BCDPath = $Null } } $BCDTemplatePath = "$Script:TargetMountPath\windows\system32\config\bcd-template" if ($DebugMethod) { Enable-Debug $BCDPath $BCDTemplatePath switch ($DebugMethod) { "Serial" { Enable-DebugSerial $BCDPath $BCDTemplatePath $DebugCOMPort.Value $DebugBaudRate.Value } "Net" { Enable-DebugNet $BCDPath $BCDTemplatePath $DebugRemoteIP.Value $DebugPort.Value $DebugKey.Value } "1394" { Enable-DebugFirewire $BCDPath $BCDTemplatePath $DebugChannel.Value } "USB" { Enable-DebugUSB $BCDPath $BCDTemplatePath $DebugTargetName.Value } } } if ($EnableEMS) { Enable-EMS $BCDPath $BCDTemplatePath $EMSPort $EMSBaudRate } if ($Development) { Enable-TestSigning $BCDPath $BCDTemplatePath } } if ($HasMountedEsp) { Dismount-AsSystemPartition $SystemPartitionGuid $HasMountedEsp = $False } if ($HasMountedImage) { Dismount-Image $HasMountedImage = $False } Write-Log $LEVEL_OUTPUT ($Strings.MSG_DONE -f $LogFile) $True $HasWorkFinished = $True } catch { Write-Log $LEVEL_WARNING ("{0}`n{1}" -f $_, $_.ScriptStackTrace) -NoOutput Write-Log $LEVEL_WARNING ($Strings.MSG_TERMINATING_DUE_TO_ERROR -f $Script:LogFile) $True if ($HasMountedEsp) { Dismount-AsSystemPartition $SystemPartitionGuid $HasMountedEsp = $False } if ($HasMountedImage) { Dismount-Image -Discard $HasMountedImage = $False } Throw } finally { if ($HasWorkFinished) { # All good. Remove-Item -Recurse -Path $Script:TargetTempPath } } } } ### ----------------------------------- ### Edit-NanoServerImage Cmdlet ### ----------------------------------- Function Edit-NanoServerImage { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( # Where to place the copy of the source media. [String]$BasePath, # Location of the image to use. [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)] [ValidatePattern('\.(vhdx?|wim)$')] [String]$TargetPath, # Include the Storage package. [Switch]$Storage, # Include the Compute (Hyper-V) package. [Switch]$Compute, # Include the Windows Defender package. [Switch]$Defender, # Include the Failover Clustering package. [Switch]$Clustering, # Include the OEM Drivers package. [Switch]$OEMDrivers, # Include the Containers package. [Switch]$Containers, # Include the following packages from media. [String[]]$Packages, # Include the following servicing packages. [String[]]$ServicingPackages, # Name to give to the target computer. [ValidateLength(1, 15)] [String]$ComputerName, # Password for the administrator account of the target computer. [SecureString]$AdministratorPassword, # Unattend template path [String]$UnattendPath, # Name of the domain. [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [String]$DomainName, # Location of the domain blob. [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [String]$DomainBlobPath, # Force reusing a node when joining a domain. [Switch]$ReuseDomainNode, # Location of additional drivers to include. [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [String]$DriversPath, # Configure this interface statically. [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [String]$InterfaceNameOrIndex, # Set statically IPv6 address. [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [String]$Ipv6Address, # Set statically IPv6 DNS servers. [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [String[]]$Ipv6Dns, # Set statically IPv4 address. [ValidatePattern('^((25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1?\d?\d)\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1?\d?\d)$')] [String]$Ipv4Address, # Set statically IPv4 subnet mask. [ValidatePattern('^((25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1?\d?\d)\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1?\d?\d)$')] [String]$Ipv4SubnetMask, # Set statically IPv4 gateway. [ValidatePattern('^((25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1?\d?\d)\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1?\d?\d)$')] [String]$Ipv4Gateway, # Set statically IPv4 DNS servers. [ValidatePattern('^((25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1?\d?\d)\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1?\d?\d)$')] [String[]]$Ipv4Dns, # Enable Debug and BootDebug in the target BCD. [ValidateSet("Serial", "Net", "1394", "USB")] [String]$DebugMethod, # Enable EMS and BootEMS in the target BCD. [Switch]$EnableEMS, # Port to use for EMS. [Parameter()] [Byte]$EMSPort = 1, # Baud rate to use for EMS. [Parameter()] [UInt32]$EMSBaudRate = 115200, # Open port 5985 for inbound TCP connections for WinRM. [Switch]$EnableRemoteManagementPort, # Will be copied into the root of the image. [String[]]$CopyFiles, # List of commands to be executed after the setup completes. [String[]]$SetupCompleteCommands, # Enable RAMDisk boot. [Switch]$RamdiskBoot, # Enable for development scenarios. [Switch]$Development, # Override location of language packages. [String]$LangPackages, # Override location of neutral packages. [String]$NeutralPackages ) DynamicParam { $DynamicParameters = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary if (-not (Test-Path Variable:\DebugMethod)) { $DebugMethod = $null } switch ($DebugMethod) { "Serial" { # Debug Port $DebugCOMPort = New-DynamicParameter "DebugCOMPort" Byte 2 $DynamicParameters.Add($DebugCOMPort.Name, $DebugCOMPort) # Debug Baud Rate $DebugBaudRate = New-DynamicParameter "DebugBaudRate" UInt32 115200 $DynamicParameters.Add($DebugBaudRate.Name, $DebugBaudRate) } "Net" { # Remote IP $DebugRemoteIP = New-DynamicParameter "DebugRemoteIP" String -Mandatory -NotNull $DynamicParameters.Add($DebugRemoteIP.Name, $DebugRemoteIP) # Remote Port $DebugPort = New-DynamicParameter "DebugPort" UInt16 -Mandatory $DynamicParameters.Add($DebugPort.Name, $DebugPort) # Key $DebugKey = New-DynamicParameter "DebugKey" String -NotNull $DynamicParameters.Add($DebugKey.Name, $DebugKey) } "1394" { # Channel $DebugChannel = New-DynamicParameter "DebugChannel" UInt16 -Mandatory $DynamicParameters.Add($DebugChannel.Name, $DebugChannel) } "USB" { # Target Name $DebugTargetName = New-DynamicParameter "DebugTargetName" String -Mandatory -NotNull $DynamicParameters.Add($DebugTargetName.Name, $DebugTargetName) } } return $DynamicParameters } Process { Write-LogHeader $Script:NewImage = $False # Checks Verify-UserIsAdministrator if ($Development) { Verify-MSVS14U1Installed } if ($DomainName -and $DomainBlobPath) { Throw $Strings.ERR_INCLUDE_DOMAIN_NAME_OR_DOMAIN_BLOB_PATH } if ($DomainBlobPath -and $ComputerName) { Throw $Strings.ERR_INCLUDE_COMPUTER_NAME_OR_DOMAIN_BLOB_PATH } if ($DomainName -and !$ComputerName) { Throw $Strings.ERR_DOMAIN_NAME_NO_COMPUTER_NAME } if (!$EnableEMS -and $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("EMSPort")) { Throw $Strings.ERR_EMS_PORT_WITH_NO_EMS } if (($DebugMethod -eq "Serial") -and $EnableEMS -and ($DebugCOMPort.Value -eq $EMSPort)) { Throw $Strings.ERR_DEBUG_AND_EMS_PORTS_EQUAL } if ($ReuseDomainNode -and (!$DomainName -and !$DomainBlobPath)) { Throw $Strings.ERR_REUSE_NODE_WITHOUT_JOIN } if (($Ipv4Address -or $Ipv6Address -or $Ipv4Dns -or $Ipv6Dns) -and -not $InterfaceNameOrIndex) { Throw $Strings.ERR_NO_INTERFACE_SPECIFIED } if ($RamdiskBoot -and -not ($TargetPath -like "*.wim")) { Throw $Strings.ERR_RAMDISK_FOR_WIM_ONLY } if ($AdministratorPassword -and -not (ConvertTo-String $AdministratorPassword)) { Throw $Strings.ERR_PASSWORD_EMPTY } # Tracking (used to handle Ctrl-C gracefully) $HasWorkFinished = $False $HasMountedImage = $False $HasMountedEsp = $False $SystemPartitionGuid = $null # Phase 0 $Packages = [String[]](Initialize-Packages ` -Packages $Packages ` -Storage:$Storage ` -Compute:$Compute ` -Defender:$Defender ` -Clustering:$Clustering ` -OEMDrivers:$OEMDrivers ` -Containers:$Containers ` -RamdiskBoot:$RamdiskBoot) try { Initialize-PathValues ` $BasePath ` $TargetPath ` $DriversPath ` $DomainBlobPath ` $Packages ` -CopyFiles $CopyFiles Initialize-Paths Test-Paths $Packages $ServicingPackages $UnattendPath # Phase 1 if ($RamdiskBoot) { Enable-RamdiskBoot } # Phase 2 Mount-Image $HasMountedImage = $True if ($Development) { Add-Debugger } Add-Files Add-Packages $Packages $ServicingPackages Add-Drivers $Development # Phase 3 Add-ServicingDescriptor $ComputerName $AdministratorPassword $UnattendPath Join-Domain $ComputerName $DomainName $ReuseDomainNode # Phase 4 if ($EnableRemoteManagementPort -or $InterfaceNameOrIndex -or $SetupCompleteCommands -or $Development) { Write-SetupComplete ` $EnableRemoteManagementPort ` $InterfaceNameOrIndex ` $Ipv6Address ` $Ipv6Dns ` $Ipv4Address ` $Ipv4SubnetMask ` $Ipv4Gateway ` $Ipv4Dns ` $SetupCompleteCommands ` $Development } if ($DebugMethod -or $EnableEMS -or $Development) { switch ($Script:ImageFormat) { "vhdx" { $SystemPartitionGuid = Mount-AsBasicData $HasMountedEsp = $True $BCDPath = "$Script:TargetMountEspPath\efi\microsoft\boot\bcd" } "vhd" { $BCDPath = "$Script:TargetMountPath\boot\bcd" } default { $BCDPath = $Null } } $BCDTemplatePath = "$Script:TargetMountPath\windows\system32\config\bcd-template" if ($DebugMethod) { Enable-Debug $BCDPath $BCDTemplatePath switch ($DebugMethod) { "Serial" { Enable-DebugSerial $BCDPath $BCDTemplatePath $DebugCOMPort.Value $DebugBaudRate.Value } "Net" { Enable-DebugNet $BCDPath $BCDTemplatePath $DebugRemoteIP.Value $DebugPort.Value $DebugKey.Value } "1394" { Enable-DebugFirewire $BCDPath $BCDTemplatePath $DebugChannel.Value } "USB" { Enable-DebugUSB $BCDPath $BCDTemplatePath $DebugTargetName.Value } } } if ($EnableEMS) { Enable-EMS $BCDPath $BCDTemplatePath $EMSPort $EMSBaudRate } if ($Development) { Enable-TestSigning $BCDPath $BCDTemplatePath } } if ($HasMountedEsp) { Dismount-AsSystemPartition $SystemPartitionGuid $HasMountedEsp = $False } if ($HasMountedImage) { Dismount-Image $HasMountedImage = $False } Write-Log $LEVEL_OUTPUT ($Strings.MSG_DONE -f $LogFile) $True $HasWorkFinished = $True } catch { Write-Log $LEVEL_WARNING ("{0}`n{1}" -f $_, $_.ScriptStackTrace) -NoOutput Write-Log $LEVEL_WARNING ($Strings.MSG_TERMINATING_DUE_TO_ERROR -f $Script:LogFile) $True if ($HasMountedEsp) { Dismount-AsSystemPartition $SystemPartitionGuid $HasMountedEsp = $False } if ($HasMountedImage) { Dismount-Image -Discard $HasMountedImage = $False } Throw } finally { if ($HasWorkFinished) { # All good. Remove-Item -Recurse -Path $Script:TargetTempPath } } } } ### ----------------------------------- ### Phase 0 ### ----------------------------------- Function Initialize-Packages( [String[]]$Packages, [Switch]$Storage, [Switch]$Compute, [Switch]$Defender, [Switch]$Clustering, [Switch]$OEMDrivers, [Switch]$GuestDrivers, [Switch]$Containers, [Switch]$RamdiskBoot, [Switch]$Host) { $ResultPackages = @() $AdditionalPackages = @{ $PACK_STORAGE = $Storage $PACK_COMPUTE = $Compute $PACK_DEFENDER = $Defender $PACK_CLUSTERING = $Clustering $PACK_OEM_DRIVERS = $OEMDrivers $PACK_GUEST_DRIVERS = $GuestDrivers $PACK_CONTAINERS = $Containers $PACK_RAMDISK = $RamdiskBoot $PACK_HOST = $Host } $AdditionalPackages.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object { if ($_.Value -and -not ($ResultPackages -Contains $_.Name)) { $ResultPackages += $_.Name } } if ($Packages) { $Packages | ForEach-Object { if (-not ($ResultPackages -Contains $_)) { $ResultPackages += $_ } } } return $ResultPackages } Function Get-PackageFileName( [String]$PackageName, [String]$Language) { $Ext = ".cab" if ($Language -and !$Script:Internal) { $Ext = "_$Language$Ext" } return $PackageName + $Ext } Function Get-PackageName( [String]$PackageFileName) { return (($PackageFileName -Split "\\")[-1] -Split "_")[0] -Replace (".cab", "") } Function Initialize-PathValues( [String]$BasePath, [String]$TargetPath, [String]$DriversPath, [String]$DomainBlobPath, [String[]]$Packages, [String]$MediaPath, [UInt64]$MaxSize, [String[]]$CopyFiles) { Write-Verbose -Message $Strings.MSG_COMPUTING_PATHS # Compute the directory structure. # -------------------------------- $Script:Internal = [Bool]$Env:NSIGTOOLS Get-PSDrive | Out-Null # Source $Script:HasMediaPath = [bool]$MediaPath if ($Script:HasMediaPath) { $Script:NanoPath = Join-Path -Path $MediaPath -ChildPath "NanoServer" $Script:PackagesPath = Join-Path -Path $NanoPath -ChildPath "Packages" $Language = (Get-ChildItem -Path $Script:PackagesPath -Directory).Name $Script:LanguagePackagesPath = Join-Path -Path $PackagesPath -ChildPath $Language $Script:SourcesPath = Join-Path -Path $MediaPath -ChildPath "sources" } # Base if (-not $BasePath) { $BasePath = Join-Path -Path $env:TEMP -ChildPath "NanoServerImageGenerator" } $Script:BasePath = $BasePath if (-not $Script:HasMediaPath -and -not (Test-Path $Script:BasePath) -and (-not $Script:Internal)) { Throw $Strings.ERR_MEDIA_PATH_WAS_NOT_SPECIFIED } if ($Script:Internal) { $Script:BaseToolsPath = $Env:NSIGTOOLS } else { $Script:BaseToolsPath = Join-Path -Path $BasePath -ChildPath "Tools" } if (-not $Internal) { $Script:BasePackagesPath = Join-Path -Path $BasePath -ChildPath "Packages" if (-not $Script:HasMediaPath) { $Language = (Get-ChildItem -Path $Script:BasePackagesPath -Directory).Name } $Script:BaseLanguagePackagesPath = Join-Path -Path $Script:BasePackagesPath -ChildPath $Language } # Target if ($TargetPath) { $Script:TargetImageFilePath = $TargetPath $Script:TargetPath = [System.IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName($TargetPath) if (-not $Script:TargetPath) { $Script:TargetPath = "." } $Script:ImageFormat = [System.IO.Path]::GetExtension($TargetPath).Substring(1) } # Image size in bytes $Script:MaxSize = $MaxSize # Drivers $Script:DriversPath = $DriversPath # Domain $Script:DomainBlobPath = $DomainBlobPath # Compute the file paths. # ----------------------- # Source if ($Script:Internal) { $Script:ImageConverterPath = $Null } else { $Script:ImageConverterPath = Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath $IMAGE_CONVERTER } if ($Script:HasMediaPath) { $Script:ImageFilePath = Join-Path -Path $Script:NanoPath -ChildPath $IMAGE_NAME; $Script:PackageFilePaths = @{} $Script:LanguagePackageFilePaths = @{} if ($Packages) { $Packages | ForEach-Object { $Script:PackageFilePaths.Add($_, (Join-Path -Path $Script:PackagesPath -ChildPath (Get-PackageFileName $_))) $Script:LanguagePackageFilePaths.Add($_, (Join-Path -Path $Script:LanguagePackagesPath -ChildPath (Get-PackageFileName $_ $Language))) } } } # Base $Script:BaseWimImageFilePath = Join-Path -Path $BasePath -ChildPath $IMAGE_NAME $Script:BaseDismFilePath = Join-Path -Path $Script:BaseToolsPath -ChildPath "dism.exe" $Script:BasePackageFilePaths = @{} $Script:BaseLanguagePackageFilePaths = @{} if ($Packages) { $Packages | ForEach-Object { $Script:BasePackageFilePaths.Add($_, (Join-Path -Path $Script:BasePackagesPath -ChildPath (Get-PackageFileName $_))) $Script:BaseLanguagePackageFilePaths.Add($_, (Join-Path -Path $Script:BaseLanguagePackagesPath -ChildPath (Get-PackageFileName $_ $Language))) } } if ($TargetPath) { $Script:BaseImageFilePath = Join-Path -Path $BasePath -ChildPath ((Split-Path -Path $BasePath -Leaf) + "." + $Script:ImageFormat) } # Target $Script:TargetTempPath = Join-Path -Path $BasePath -ChildPath "Temp" $Script:TargetMountPath = Join-Path -Path $Script:TargetTempPath -ChildPath ("w{0}" -f (Get-Random)) $Script:TargetMountEspPath = Join-Path -Path $Script:TargetTempPath -ChildPath ("s{0}" -f (Get-Random)) $Script:TargetUnattendFilePath = Join-Path -Path $Script:TargetTempPath -ChildPath "Unattend.xml" $Script:TargetDomainBlobPath = Join-Path -Path $Script:TargetTempPath -ChildPath "djoin.blob" $Script:TargetSetupCompleteFilePath = Join-Path -Path $Script:TargetTempPath -ChildPath "SetupComplete.cmd" if ($TargetPath) { $Script:TargetDebuggingKeyFilePath = Join-Path -Path $Script:TargetPath -ChildPath $KERNEL_DEBUG_KEY_FILE } $Script:CopyFiles = @() if ($CopyFiles) { $Script:CopyFiles += $CopyFiles } $Script:DebuggerPath = "Debugger" $Script:StartDebuggerScript = "StartDebugger.ps1" } Function Test-Paths([String[]]$Packages, [String[]]$ServicingPackages, [String]$UnattendPath) { Write-Verbose -Message $Strings.MSG_CHECKING_PATHS if ($Script:HasMediaPath) { # Check media directory structure. if (!(Test-Path -Path $Script:NanoPath)) { Throw ($Strings.ERR_DIRECTORY_DOES_NOT_EXIST_IN_MEDIA_DIRECTORY -f "NanoServer") } if (!(Test-Path -Path $Script:PackagesPath)) { Throw ($Strings.ERR_DIRECTORY_DOES_NOT_EXIST_IN_DIRECTORY -f "Packages", "NanoServer", $Script:NanoPath) } if (!(Test-Path -Path $Script:LanguagePackagesPath)) { Throw ($Strings.ERR_DIRECTORY_DOES_NOT_EXIST_IN_DIRECTORY -f $Language, "Packages", $Script:PackagesPath) } if (!(Test-Path -Path $Script:SourcesPath)) { Throw ($Strings.ERR_DIRECTORY_DOES_NOT_EXIST_IN_MEDIA_DIRECTORY -f "Sources") } # Check that the Nano Server image is present in the media path. if (!(Test-Path -Path $Script:ImageFilePath)) { Throw ($Strings.ERR_IMAGE_DOES_NOT_EXIST -f $IMAGE_NAME) } } else { # Check base directory structure. if (!(Test-Path -Path $Script:BasePath) -and !$script:Internal) { Throw $Strings.ERR_BASE_DIRECTORY_DOES_NOT_EXIST } if (!(Test-Path -Path $Script:BaseToolsPath)) { Throw ($Strings.ERR_DIRECTORY_DOES_NOT_EXIST_IN_BASE_DIRECTORY -f "Tools") } if (!$Script:Internal -and !(Test-Path -Path $Script:BasePackagesPath)) { Throw ($Strings.ERR_DIRECTORY_DOES_NOT_EXIST_IN_BASE_DIRECTORY -f "Packages") } if (!$Script:Internal -and !(Test-Path -Path $Script:BaseLanguagePackagesPath)) { Write-Output -InputObject ($Strings.ERR_DIRECTORY_DOES_NOT_EXIST_IN_DIRECTORY -f $Language, "Packages", $Script:BasePackagesPath) } # Check that the Nano Server image is present in the base path. if (!(Test-Path -Path $Script:BaseWimImageFilePath) -and !$script:Internal -and $Script:NewImage) { Throw ($Strings.ERR_IMAGE_DOES_NOT_EXIST_IN_BASE_DIRECTORY -f $IMAGE_NAME) } } # Check that the existing image actually exists if (!$Script:HasMediaPath) { if (!$Script:NewImage -and (!$Script:TargetImageFilePath -or !(Test-Path -Path $Script:TargetImageFilePath))) { Throw $Strings.ERR_SPECIFIED_IMAGE_DOES_NOT_EXIST } } # Check that the given drivers path exists. if ($Script:DriversPath -and !(Test-Path -Path $Script:DriversPath)) { Throw ($Strings.ERR_DRIVERS_DIRECTORY_DOES_NOT_EXIST -f $Script:DriversPath) } # Check that the image converter script is present. if ($Script:ImageConverterPath) { if (!(Test-Path -Path $Script:ImageConverterPath)) { Throw ($Strings.ERR_IMAGE_CONVERTER_SCRIPT_DOES_NOT_EXIST -f $IMAGE_CONVERTER) } } if (-not $Script:Internal) { if ($Script:HasMediaPath) { # Check that the files for the requested packages are present in the media directory. $PackagesNotFound = $Script:PackageFilePaths.GetEnumerator() | Where-Object { (($Packages -Contains $_.Key) -and !(Test-Path -Path $_.Value)) } $LanguagePackagesNotFound = $Script:LanguagePackageFilePaths.GetEnumerator() | Where-Object { (($Packages -Contains $_.Key) -and !(Test-Path -Path $_.Value)) } } else { # Check that the files for the requested packages are present in the base directory. $PackagesNotFound = $Script:BasePackageFilePaths.GetEnumerator() | Where-Object { (($Packages -Contains $_.Key) -and !(Test-Path -Path $_.Value)) } $LanguagePackagesNotFound = $Script:BaseLanguagePackageFilePaths.GetEnumerator() | Where-Object { (($Packages -Contains $_.Key) -and !(Test-Path -Path $_.Value)) } } } else { $PackagesNotFound = $Null $LanguagePackagesNotFound = $Null } $ServicingPackagesNotFound = $Null if ($ServicingPackages) { $ServicingPackagesNotFound = $ServicingPackages | Where-Object { !(Test-Path -Path $_) } } if ($PackagesNotFound) { $PackagesNotFound | ForEach-Object { Write-Log $LEVEL_WARNING ($Strings.ERR_PACKAGE_DOES_NOT_EXIST -f $_.Value) } } if ($LanguagePackagesNotFound) { $LanguagePackagesNotFound | ForEach-Object { Write-Log $LEVEL_WARNING ($Strings.ERR_LANGUAGE_PACKAGE_DOES_NOT_EXIST -f $_.Value) } } if ($ServicingPackagesNotFound) { $ServicingPackagesNotFound | ForEach-Object { Write-Log $LEVEL_WARNING ($Strings.ERR_PACKAGE_DOES_NOT_EXIST -f $_) } } if ($PackagesNotFound -or $LanguagePackagesNotFound -or $ServicingPackagesNotFound) { Throw $Strings.ERR_ONE_OR_MORE_PACKAGES_DO_NOT_EXIST } # Check that the specified domain blob path exists. if ($Script:DomainBlobPath -and !(Test-Path -Path $Script:DomainBlobPath)) { Throw $Strings.ERR_DOMAIN_BLOB_DOES_NOT_EXIST } if ($Script:CopyFiles -and ($Script:CopyFiles | Where-Object { !(Test-Path -Path $_) })) { Throw $Strings.ERR_COPY_FILES_DOES_NOT_EXIST } if ($UnattendPath -and !(Test-Path $UnattendPath)) { Throw $Strings.ERR_UNATTEND_TEMPLATE_DOES_NOT_EXIST } } Function Initialize-Paths() { Write-Verbose -Message $Strings.MSG_CREATING_PATHS New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $Script:BasePath | Write-Verbose if (!$Internal) { New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $Script:BaseToolsPath | Write-Verbose New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $Script:BasePackagesPath | Write-Verbose New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $Script:BaseLanguagePackagesPath | Write-Verbose $ResetTargetPath = $True if (Test-Path $Script:TargetPath) { $TP = Get-Item $Script:TargetPath if ($TP.Root.FullName -eq $TP.FullName) { $ResetTargetPath = $False } } if ($ResetTargetPath) { New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $Script:TargetPath | Write-Verbose } } New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $Script:TargetMountPath | Write-Verbose New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $Script:TargetMountEspPath | Write-Verbose $Script:TargetMountPath = (Resolve-Path -Path $Script:TargetMountPath).ProviderPath $Script:TargetMountEspPath = (Resolve-Path -Path $Script:TargetMountEspPath).ProviderPath } ### ----------------------------------- ### Phase 1 ### ----------------------------------- Function Copy-Files() { if (!$Script:HasMediaPath) { Write-Verbose -Message $Strings.MSG_SKIPPING_FILE_COPY return } Write-Verbose -Message $Strings.MSG_COPYING_FILES Write-Progress -Activity $Strings.MSG_COPYING_FILES # Copy the tools (exclude the large, unnecessary WIM's in that folder). if (!$Script:Internal) { Copy-Item -Path $Script:SourcesPath\* -Destination $Script:BaseToolsPath -Exclude *.wim -Force } # Copy the image Copy-Item -Path $Script:ImageFilePath -Destination $Script:BasePath -Force # Copy the packages Copy-Item -Path $Script:PackagesPath\*.cab -Destination $Script:BasePackagesPath -Force Copy-Item -Path $Script:LanguagePackagesPath\*.cab -Destination $Script:BaseLanguagePackagesPath -Force } Function Enable-RamdiskBoot() { $cmdTemplate = "& '{0}' /Export-Image /SourceImageFile:'{1}' /SourceIndex:1 /DestinationImageFile:'{1}' /Bootable /LogLevel:2 /LogPath:'{2}'" $cmd = ($cmdTemplate -f $Script:BaseDismFilePath, $Script:TargetImageFilePath, $Script:DismLogFile) Invoke-ExternalCommand $cmd $cmdTemplate = "& '{0}' /Delete-Image /ImageFile:'{1}' /Index:1 /LogLevel:2 /LogPath:'{2}'" $cmd = ($cmdTemplate -f $Script:BaseDismFilePath, $Script:TargetImageFilePath, $Script:DismLogFile) Invoke-ExternalCommand $cmd } Function Export-WimImage([String]$Edition) { $cmdTemplate = "& '{0}' /Export-Image /SourceImageFile:'{1}' /SourceIndex:{2} /DestinationImageFile:'{3}' /LogLevel:2 /LogPath:'{4}'" $cmd = ($cmdTemplate -f $Script:BaseDismFilePath, $Script:BaseWimImageFilePath, $Script:Editions[$Edition], $Script:BaseImageFilePath, $Script:DismLogFile) Invoke-ExternalCommand $cmd } Function Export-VhdImage([String]$Edition) { $Parameters = @{} $Parameters["-SourcePath"] = $Script:BaseWimImageFilePath $Parameters["-VHDPath"] = $Script:BaseImageFilePath $Parameters["-VHDFormat"] = $Script:ImageFormat $Parameters["-EnableDebugger"] = "None" $Parameters["-Edition"] = $Script:Editions[$Edition] if ($Script:ImageFormat -eq "vhdx") { $Parameters["-DiskLayout"] = "UEFI" } else { $Parameters["-DiskLayout"] = "BIOS" } $Parameters["-SizeBytes"] = $Script:MaxSize if (!(Get-Command Convert-WindowsImage -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) { . $Script:ImageConverterPath } Convert-WindowsImage @Parameters } Function Convert-Image([String]$Edition) { Write-Verbose -Message $Strings.MSG_CONVERTING_IMAGE Write-Progress -Activity $Strings.MSG_CONVERTING_IMAGE if ($Script:ImageFormat -eq "wim") { Export-WimImage $Edition } else { Export-VhdImage $Edition } if (-not (Test-Path $Script:BaseImageFilePath)) { Throw $Strings.ERR_IMAGE_WAS_NOT_PRODUCED } Move-Item -Path $Script:BaseImageFilePath -Destination $Script:TargetImageFilePath -Force } ### ----------------------------------- ### Phase 2 ### ----------------------------------- Function Add-Files() { if (!$Script:CopyFiles) { Write-Verbose -Message $Strings.MSG_SKIPPING_COPYING_FILES_TO_IMAGE return } Write-Verbose -Message $Strings.MSG_COPYING_FILES_TO_IMAGE Write-Progress -Activity $Strings.MSG_COPYING_FILES_TO_IMAGE $Script:CopyFiles | ForEach-Object { Copy-Item -Recurse -Force -Path $_ -Destination $Script:TargetMountPath } } Function Add-Packages([String[]]$Packages, [String[]]$ServicingPackages) { if (!$Packages -and !$ServicingPackages) { Write-Verbose -Message $Strings.MSG_SKIPPING_PACKAGE_ADDITION return } Write-Verbose -Message $Strings.MSG_ADDING_PACKAGES Write-Progress -Activity $Strings.MSG_ADDING_PACKAGES if ($Packages) { $Packages | ForEach-Object { Add-Package $Script:BasePackageFilePaths[$_] $False Add-Package $Script:BaseLanguagePackageFilePaths[$_] $True } } if ($ServicingPackages) { $ServicingPackages | ForEach-Object { Add-Package $_ $False } } } Function Add-Package([String]$PackageFilePath, [Bool]$IsLanguage) { $PackageFilePath = (Resolve-Path "$PackageFilePath*").ProviderPath $PackageName = Get-PackageName $PackageFilePath if ($IsLanguage) { $Message = $Strings.MSG_ADDING_LANGUAGE_PACKAGE -f $PackageName } else { $Message = $Strings.MSG_ADDING_PACKAGE -f $PackageName } Write-Progress -Id 1 -Activity $Message $ExitCode = Invoke-ExternalCommand "& '$Script:BaseDismFilePath' /Add-Package /PackagePath:'$PackageFilePath' /Image:'$Script:TargetMountPath' /LogLevel:2 /LogPath:'$Script:DismLogFile'" -ReturnExitCode if ($ExitCode) { if ($ExitCode -eq 0x800f081e) { Throw ($Strings.ERR_PACKAGE_NOT_APPLICABLE -f $PackageName) } else { Throw ($Strings.ERR_EXTERNAL_CMD -f $ExitCode) } } Write-Progress -Id 1 -Activity $Message -Completed } Function Add-Drivers([Bool]$Development) { if (!$Script:DriversPath) { Write-Verbose -Message $Strings.MSG_SKIPPING_DRIVER_ADDITION return } Write-Verbose -Message $Strings.MSG_ADDING_DRIVERS Write-Progress -Activity $Strings.MSG_ADDING_DRIVERS $CmdTemplate = "& '{0}' /Add-Driver /Driver:'{1}' /Recurse /Image:'{2}' /LogLevel:2 /LogPath:'{3}'" $Cmd = $CmdTemplate -f $Script:BaseDismFilePath, $Script:DriversPath, $Script:TargetMountPath, $Script:DismLogFile if ($Development) { $Cmd += " /ForceUnsigned" } Invoke-ExternalCommand $Cmd } Function Add-Debugger() { Write-Verbose -Message $Strings.MSG_ADDING_DEBUGGER Write-Progress -Activity $Strings.MSG_ADDING_DEBUGGER Copy-Item -Path $VSDebuggerBinariesPath -Destination (Join-Path -Path $Script:TargetMountPath -ChildPath $Script:DebuggerPath) -Recurse $System32Path = Join-Path -Path $Script:TargetMountPath -ChildPath "Windows\System32" Copy-Item -Path (Join-Path -Path $Script:VSCRTReleaseBinariesPath -ChildPath "vcruntime140.dll") -Destination $System32Path Copy-Item -Path (Join-Path -Path $Script:VSCRTReleaseBinariesPath -ChildPath "msvcp140.dll") -Destination $System32Path Copy-Item -Path (Join-Path -Path $Script:VSCRTDebugBinariesPath -ChildPath "vcruntime140d.dll") -Destination $System32Path Copy-Item -Path (Join-Path -Path $Script:VSCRTDebugBinariesPath -ChildPath "msvcp140d.dll") -Destination $System32Path Copy-Item -Path (Join-Path -Path $Script:VSUCRTBinariesPath -ChildPath "ucrtbased.dll") -Destination $System32Path $StartDebuggerPath = Join-Path -Path $Script:TargetMountPath -ChildPath $Script:StartDebuggerScript Write-Output ("Start `$Env:SystemDrive\{0}\msvsmon.exe -ArgumentList /nowowwarn,/noauth,/anyuser,/nosecuritywarn,/timeout:36000" -f $Script:DebuggerPath) | Out-File -FilePath $StartDebuggerPath Write-Log $LEVEL_OUTPUT ($Strings.MSG_START_DEBUGGER -f (Join-Path -Path "C:\" -ChildPath $Script:StartDebuggerScript)) Mount-RegistryHive "SOFTWARE" Try { Add-Registry "Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Appx" "/v AllowDevelopmentWithoutDevLicense /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f" Add-Registry "Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\AppModelUnlock" "/v AllowAllTrustedApps /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f" Add-Registry "Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\AppModelUnlock" "/v AllowDevelopmentWithoutDevLicense /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f" } Finally { Unmount-RegistryHive } } ### ----------------------------------- ### Phase 3 ### ----------------------------------- Function ConvertTo-String([SecureString]$SecureString) { if (-not $SecureString) { return $null } $PointerToPasswordString = $Null try { $PointerToPasswordString = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToCoTaskMemUnicode($SecureString) $ManagedPasswordString = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringUni($PointerToPasswordString) } finally { [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::ZeroFreeCoTaskMemUnicode($PointerToPasswordString) } return $ManagedPasswordString } Function Add-ServicingDescriptor([String]$ComputerName, [SecureString]$AdministratorPassword, [String]$UnattendPath) { if (-not $ComputerName -and $Script:NewImage) { $ComputerName = "*" } if (-not $ComputerName -and -not $AdministratorPassword -and -not $UnattendPath) { return } Write-Verbose -Message $Strings.MSG_ADDING_UNATTEND Write-Progress -Activity $Strings.MSG_ADDING_UNATTEND if (-not $Script:NewImage -and $UnattendPath) { Write-Warning ($Strings.MSG_SETUPCOMPLETE_CHANGES_FOR_BOOTED_MEDIA -f "-UnattendPath") } # Write out the unattend. New-Unattend $ComputerName $AdministratorPassword # Embed the descriptor into the image. Invoke-ExternalCommand "& '$Script:BaseDismFilePath' /Image:'$Script:TargetMountPath' /Apply-Unattend:'$Script:TargetUnattendFilePath' /LogLevel:2 /LogPath:'$Script:DismLogFile'" # Copy the unattend over. if ($UnattendPath) { Invoke-ExternalCommand "& '$Script:BaseDismFilePath' /Image:'$Script:TargetMountPath' /Apply-Unattend:'$UnattendPath' /LogLevel:2 /LogPath:'$Script:DismLogFile'" New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $Script:TargetMountPath\Windows\Panther | Out-Null Copy-Item -Path $UnattendPath -Destination $Script:TargetMountPath\Windows\Panther\Unattend.xml -Force } } Function New-Unattend([String]$ComputerName, [SecureString]$AdministratorPassword) { $Xml = New-Object -TypeName Xml $XmlNs = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:unattend" $XmlDecl = $Xml.CreateXmlDeclaration("1.0", "utf-8", $Null) $XmlRoot = $Xml.DocumentElement $Xml.InsertBefore($XmlDecl, $XmlRoot) | Out-Null $XmlUnattended = $Xml.CreateElement("unattend", $XmlNs) $XmlUnattended.SetAttribute("xmlns:wcm", "") $XmlUnattended.SetAttribute("xmlns:xsi", "") $Xml.AppendChild($XmlUnattended) | Out-Null if ($AdministratorPassword) { Write-AdministratorPasswordXml $Xml $XmlNs $XmlUnattended $AdministratorPassword } if ($ComputerName) { Write-ComputerNameXml $Xml $XmlNs $XmlUnattended $ComputerName } # Normal .NET methods are unaware of the PowerShell context. In this case, # the path to save the XML to is relative. While PowerShell would resolve # it as we would expect, the .NET method will do so relative to its working # directory, which is not necessarily the same as PowerShell's. So, we need # to expand the relative path manually. $TargetPath = $Script:TargetUnattendFilePath if (-not [System.IO.Path]::IsPathRooted($TargetPath)) { $TargetPath = Join-Path -Path (Get-Location) -ChildPath $Script:TargetUnattendFilePath } $Xml.Save([System.IO.Path]::GetFullPath($TargetPath)) } Function Write-ComputerNameXml([Xml]$Xml, [String]$XmlNs, [System.Xml.XmlElement]$XmlUnattended, [String]$ComputerName) { if (-not (Get-Member -InputObject $XmlUnattended -Name "settings")) { $XmlSettings = $Xml.CreateElement("settings", $XmlNs) $XmlSettings.SetAttribute("pass", "offlineServicing") $XmlUnattended.AppendChild($XmlSettings) | Out-Null } $XmlSettings = $XmlUnattended.settings if (-not (Get-Member -InputObject $XmlSettings -Name "component")) { $XmlComponent = $Xml.CreateElement("component", $XmlNs) $XmlComponent.SetAttribute("name", "Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup") $XmlComponent.SetAttribute("processorArchitecture", "amd64") $XmlComponent.SetAttribute("publicKeyToken", "31bf3856ad364e35") $XmlComponent.SetAttribute("language", "neutral") $XmlComponent.SetAttribute("versionScope", "nonSxS") $XmlSettings.AppendChild($XmlComponent) | Out-Null } $XmlComponent = $XmlSettings.component $XmlComputerName = $Xml.CreateElement("ComputerName", $XmlNs) $XmlName = $Xml.CreateTextNode($ComputerName) $XmlComputerName.AppendChild($XmlName) | Out-Null $XmlComponent.AppendChild($XmlComputerName) | Out-Null } Function Write-AdministratorPasswordXml([Xml]$Xml, [String]$XmlNs, [System.Xml.XmlElement]$XmlUnattended, [SecureString]$AdministratorPassword) { $XmlSettings = $Xml.CreateElement("settings", $XmlNs) $XmlSettings.SetAttribute("pass", "offlineServicing") $XmlUnattended.AppendChild($XmlSettings) | Out-Null $XmlComponent = $Xml.CreateElement("component", $XmlNs) $XmlComponent.SetAttribute("name", "Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup") $XmlComponent.SetAttribute("processorArchitecture", "amd64") $XmlComponent.SetAttribute("publicKeyToken", "31bf3856ad364e35") $XmlComponent.SetAttribute("language", "neutral") $XmlComponent.SetAttribute("versionScope", "nonSxS") $XmlSettings.AppendChild($XmlComponent) | Out-Null $XmlUserAccounts = $Xml.CreateElement("OfflineUserAccounts", $XmlNs) $XmlComponent.AppendChild($XmlUserAccounts) | Out-Null $XmlAdministratorPassword = $Xml.CreateElement("OfflineAdministratorPassword", $XmlNs) $XmlUserAccounts.AppendChild($XmlAdministratorPassword) | Out-Null $XmlValue = $Xml.CreateElement("Value", $XmlNs) $XmlText = $Xml.CreateTextNode([Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::Unicode.GetBytes((ConvertTo-String $AdministratorPassword) + "OfflineAdministratorPassword"))) $XmlValue.AppendChild($XmlText) | Out-Null $XmlAdministratorPassword.AppendChild($XmlValue) | Out-Null $XmlPlainText = $Xml.CreateElement("PlainText", $XmlNs) $XmlPassword = $Xml.CreateTextNode("false") $XmlPlainText.AppendChild($XmlPassword) | Out-Null $XmlAdministratorPassword.AppendChild($XmlPlainText) | Out-Null } Function Join-Domain([String]$ComputerName, [String]$DomainName, [Bool]$ReuseDomainNode) { # If the target image must join a domain, but a blob was not provided, one # must be harvested from the local machine. if ($DomainName -and !$Script:DomainBlobPath) { Write-Verbose -Message $Strings.MSG_COLLECTING_DOMAIN_BLOB $Command = "djoin /Provision /Domain $DomainName /Machine $ComputerName /SaveFile '$Script:TargetDomainBlobPath'" if ($ReuseDomainNode) { $Command += " /Reuse" } try { Invoke-ExternalCommand $Command } catch { if ($LastExitCode -eq 2224) { Throw $Strings.ERR_REUSE_DOMAIN_NAME } else { Throw } } $Script:DomainBlobPath = $Script:TargetDomainBlobPath } if ($Script:DomainBlobPath) { Write-Verbose -Message $Strings.MSG_JOINING_DOMAIN Invoke-ExternalCommand "djoin /RequestODJ /LoadFile '$Script:DomainBlobPath' /WindowsPath '$Script:TargetMountPath\Windows'" } } ### ----------------------------------- ### Phase 4 ### ----------------------------------- Function Enable-TestSigning([String]$BCDPath, [String]$BCDTemplatePath) { Write-Verbose -Message $Strings.MSG_ENABLING_TESTSIGNING Write-Progress -Activity $Strings.MSG_ENABLING_TESTSIGNING if ($BCDPath) { Invoke-ExternalCommand("bcdedit /Store '$BCDPath' /set ``{default``} TestSigning ON") } Invoke-ExternalCommand("bcdedit /Store '$BCDTemplatePath' /set $BCD_TEMPLATE_PCAT_ENTRY TestSigning ON") Invoke-ExternalCommand("bcdedit /Store '$BCDTemplatePath' /set $BCD_TEMPLATE_EFI_ENTRY TestSigning ON") } Function Enable-Debug([String]$BCDPath, [String]$BCDTemplatePath) { Write-Verbose -Message $Strings.MSG_ENABLING_DEBUG Write-Progress -Activity $Strings.MSG_ENABLING_DEBUG if ($BCDPath) { Invoke-ExternalCommand("bcdedit /Store '$BCDPath' /BootDebug ``{bootmgr``} ON") Invoke-ExternalCommand("bcdedit /Store '$BCDPath' /BootDebug ``{default``} ON") Invoke-ExternalCommand("bcdedit /Store '$BCDPath' /Debug ``{default``} ON") } Invoke-ExternalCommand("bcdedit /Store '$BCDTemplatePath' /BootDebug ``{bootmgr``} ON") Invoke-ExternalCommand("bcdedit /Store '$BCDTemplatePath' /BootDebug $BCD_TEMPLATE_PCAT_ENTRY ON") Invoke-ExternalCommand("bcdedit /Store '$BCDTemplatePath' /Debug $BCD_TEMPLATE_PCAT_ENTRY ON") Invoke-ExternalCommand("bcdedit /Store '$BCDTemplatePath' /BootDebug $BCD_TEMPLATE_EFI_ENTRY ON") Invoke-ExternalCommand("bcdedit /Store '$BCDTemplatePath' /Debug $BCD_TEMPLATE_EFI_ENTRY ON") } Function Enable-DebugSerial([String]$BCDPath, [String]$BCDTemplatePath, [Int]$Port, [Int]$BaudRate) { if ($BCDPath) { Invoke-ExternalCommand("bcdedit /Store '$BCDPath' /DBGSettings SERIAL DEBUGPORT:$Port BAUDRATE:$BaudRate") } Invoke-ExternalCommand("bcdedit /Store '$BCDTemplatePath' /DBGSettings SERIAL DEBUGPORT:$Port BAUDRATE:$BaudRate") } Function Extract-KdnetKey([String]$BcdEditOutput) { if ($BcdEditOutput -Match "^Key=(.+)$") { return $Matches[1] } else { Throw $Strings.ERR_KDNET_KEY_NOT_PRODUCED } } Function Enable-DebugNet([String]$BCDPath, [String]$BCDTemplatePath, [String]$RemoteIP, [String]$RemotePort, [String]$Key) { if ($BCDPath) { $Command = "bcdedit /Store '$BCDPath' /DBGSettings NET HOSTIP:$RemoteIP PORT:$RemotePort" if ($Key) { $Command += " KEY:$Key" } $Key = Extract-KdnetKey (Invoke-ExternalCommand $Command -ReturnOutput -DisableRedirect) } $Command = "bcdedit /Store '$BCDTemplatePath' /DBGSettings NET HOSTIP:$RemoteIP PORT:$RemotePort" if ($Key) { $Command += " KEY:$Key" } Extract-KdnetKey (Invoke-ExternalCommand $Command -ReturnOutput -DisableRedirect) | Out-File -FilePath $Script:TargetDebuggingKeyFilePath Write-Log $LEVEL_OUTPUT ($Strings.MSG_KERNEL_DEBUG_KEY_FILE -f $Script:TargetDebuggingKeyFilePath) } Function Enable-DebugFirewire([String]$BCDPath, [String]$BCDTemplatePath, [Int]$Channel) { if ($BCDPath) { Invoke-ExternalCommand("bcdedit /Store '$BCDPath' /DBGSettings 1394 Channel:$Channel") } Invoke-ExternalCommand("bcdedit /Store '$BCDTemplatePath' /DBGSettings 1394 Channel:$Channel") } Function Enable-DebugUSB([String]$BCDPath, [String]$BCDTemplatePath, [String]$TargetName) { if ($BCDPath) { Invoke-ExternalCommand("bcdedit /Store '$BCDPath' /DBGSettings USB TargetName:$TargetName") } Invoke-ExternalCommand("bcdedit /Store '$BCDTemplatePath' /DBGSettings USB TargetName:$TargetName") } Function Enable-EMS([String]$BCDPath, [String]$BCDTemplatePath, [Int]$Port, [Int]$BaudRate) { Write-Verbose -Message $Strings.MSG_ENABLING_EMS Write-Progress -Activity $Strings.MSG_ENABLING_EMS if ($BCDPath) { Invoke-ExternalCommand("bcdedit /Store '$BCDPath' /EMSSettings EMSPORT:$Port EMSBAUDRATE:$BaudRate") Invoke-ExternalCommand("bcdedit /Store '$BCDPath' /EMS ``{default``} ON") Invoke-ExternalCommand("bcdedit /Store '$BCDPath' /BootEMS ``{default``} ON") Invoke-ExternalCommand("bcdedit /Store '$BCDPath' /BootEMS ``{bootmgr``} ON") } Invoke-ExternalCommand("bcdedit /Store '$BCDTemplatePath' /EMSSettings EMSPORT:$Port EMSBAUDRATE:$BaudRate") Invoke-ExternalCommand("bcdedit /Store '$BCDTemplatePath' /EMS $BCD_TEMPLATE_PCAT_ENTRY ON") Invoke-ExternalCommand("bcdedit /Store '$BCDTemplatePath' /BootEMS $BCD_TEMPLATE_PCAT_ENTRY ON") Invoke-ExternalCommand("bcdedit /Store '$BCDTemplatePath' /EMS $BCD_TEMPLATE_EFI_ENTRY ON") Invoke-ExternalCommand("bcdedit /Store '$BCDTemplatePath' /BootEMS $BCD_TEMPLATE_EFI_ENTRY ON") Invoke-ExternalCommand("bcdedit /Store '$BCDTemplatePath' /BootEMS ``{bootmgr``} ON") } Function Write-SetupComplete( [Bool]$OpenPort, [String]$InterfaceNameOrIndex, [String]$Ipv6Address, [String[]]$Ipv6Dns, [String]$Ipv4Address, [String]$Ipv4SubnetMask, [String]$Ipv4Gateway, [String[]]$Ipv4Dns, [String[]]$SetupCompleteCommands, [Bool]$Development) { if (-not $Script:NewImage) { Write-Warning ($Strings.MSG_SETUPCOMPLETE_CHANGES_FOR_BOOTED_MEDIA -f "-InterfaceNameOrIndex, -Ipv6Address, -Ipv6Dns, -Ipv4Address, -Ipv4SubnetMask, -Ipv4Gateway, -Ipv4Dns, -SetupCompleteCommands, -Development") } $Scripts = "$Script:TargetMountPath\Windows\Setup\Scripts" $SetupComplete = Join-Path $Scripts "setupcomplete.cmd" if (Test-Path ($SetupComplete)) { $SetupCompleteCommandsAll = Get-Content $SetupComplete } else { New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $Scripts | Out-Null $SetupCompleteCommandsAll = @("@ECHO OFF") } if ($SetupCompleteCommands) { $SetupCompleteCommandsAll += $SetupCompleteCommands } if ($Ipv6Address) { $SetupCompleteCommandsAll += "netsh interface ipv6 set address `"$InterfaceNameOrIndex`" $Ipv6Address" } if ($Ipv6Dns) { $first = $Ipv6Dns[0] $SetupCompleteCommandsAll += "netsh interface ipv6 set dnsservers `"$InterfaceNameOrIndex`" static $first" for ($i = 2; $i -le $Ipv6Dns.Count; $i++) { $next = $Ipv6Dns[$i - 1] $SetupCompleteCommandsAll += "netsh interface ipv6 add dnsservers `"$InterfaceNameOrIndex`" $next index=$i" } } if ($Ipv4Address) { $SetupCompleteCommandsAll += "netsh interface ipv4 set address `"$InterfaceNameOrIndex`" static $Ipv4Address $Ipv4SubnetMask $Ipv4Gateway" } if ($Ipv4Dns) { $first = $Ipv4Dns[0] $SetupCompleteCommandsAll += "netsh interface ipv4 set dnsservers `"$InterfaceNameOrIndex`" static $first" for ($i = 2; $i -le $Ipv4Dns.Count; $i++) { $next = $Ipv4Dns[$i - 1] $SetupCompleteCommandsAll += "netsh interface ipv4 add dnsservers `"$InterfaceNameOrIndex`" $next index=$i" } } if ($OpenPort) { $SetupCompleteCommandsAll += "netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name=`"WinRM 5985`" protocol=TCP dir=in localport=5985 profile=any action=allow" } if ($Development) { $cmd = "netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name=`"Remote Debugger`" dir=in action=allow program=`"%SystemDrive%\{0}`" enable=yes" $SetupCompleteCommandsAll += ($cmd -f (Join-Path -Path $Script:DebuggerPath -ChildPath "msvsmon.exe")) } $SetupCompleteCommand = ($SetupCompleteCommandsAll -Join "`r`n") # To populate the batch file, the > and >> operators cannot be used. The # resulting file must be encoded in ASCII. Set-Content -Value $SetupCompleteCommand -Path "$Script:TargetSetupCompleteFilePath" -Encoding ASCII Copy-Item -Path $Script:TargetSetupCompleteFilePath -Destination "$Script:TargetMountPath\Windows\Setup\Scripts" -Force } ### ----------------------------------- ### Helper Methods ### ----------------------------------- Function Mount-RegistryHive([String]$Hive) { $Script:RegistryPrefix = "NSIG" $Script:RegMountPoint = "HKLM\{0}" -f $script:RegistryPrefix Invoke-ExternalCommand ("reg load {0} '{1}\Windows\System32\Config\{2}'" -f $script:RegMountPoint, $Script:TargetMountPath, $Hive) } Function Unmount-RegistryHive() { Invoke-ExternalCommand ("reg unload {0}" -f $script:RegMountPoint) } Function Add-Registry([String]$Where, [String]$What) { Invoke-ExternalCommand ("reg add '{0}\{1}' {2}" -f $Script:RegMountPoint, $Where, $What) } Function Mount-Image() { Write-Verbose -Message $Strings.MSG_MOUNTING_IMAGE Write-Progress -Activity $Strings.MSG_MOUNTING_IMAGE $Script:TargetImageFilePath = (Resolve-Path -Path $Script:TargetImageFilePath).ProviderPath if ($Script:ImageFormat -eq "vhdx") { Mount-ImageInternal } else { Invoke-ExternalCommand "& '$Script:BaseDismFilePath' /Mount-Image /ImageFile:'$Script:TargetImageFilePath' /MountDir:'$Script:TargetMountPath' -Index:1 /LogLevel:2 /LogPath:'$Script:DismLogFile'" } } Function Dismount-Image([Switch]$Discard) { Write-Verbose -Message $Strings.MSG_DISMOUNTING_IMAGE Write-Progress -Activity $Strings.MSG_DISMOUNTING_IMAGE if ($Script:ImageFormat -eq "vhdx") { Dismount-ImageInternal } else { if ($Discard) { Invoke-ExternalCommand "& '$Script:BaseDismFilePath' /Unmount-Image /MountDir:'$Script:TargetMountPath' /Discard /LogLevel:2 /LogPath:'$Script:DismLogFile'" } else { Invoke-ExternalCommand "& '$Script:BaseDismFilePath' /Unmount-Image /MountDir:'$Script:TargetMountPath' /Commit /LogLevel:2 /LogPath:'$Script:DismLogFile'" } } } Function Mount-ImageInternal() { Mount-DiskImage -ImagePath $Script:TargetImageFilePath -NoDriveLetter try { $disk = Get-DiskImage -ImagePath $Script:TargetImageFilePath | Get-Disk $partition = $disk | Get-Partition | Where-Object { $_.Type -eq "IFS" -or $_.Type -eq "Basic" } $partition | Add-PartitionAccessPath -AccessPath $Script:TargetMountPath -ErrorAction Stop } catch { Dismount-DiskImage -ImagePath $Script:TargetImageFilePath } } Function Dismount-ImageInternal() { try { $disk = Get-DiskImage -ImagePath $Script:TargetImageFilePath | Get-Disk $partition = $disk | Get-Partition | Where-Object { $_.Type -eq "IFS" -or $_.Type -eq "Basic" } $partition | Remove-PartitionAccessPath -AccessPath $Script:TargetMountPath -ErrorAction Stop } finally { Dismount-DiskImage -ImagePath $Script:TargetImageFilePath } } Function Mount-AsBasicData() { $disk = Get-DiskImage -ImagePath $Script:TargetImageFilePath | Get-Disk $diskId = $disk.Number $partition = $disk | Get-Partition | Where-Object { $_.Type -eq "System" } $partId = $partition.PartitionNumber $partGuid = $partition.Guid $DiskpartScript = Join-Path -Path $Script:TargetTempPath -ChildPath "diskpart.txt" $DiskpartCommands = "select disk $diskId`nselect partition $partId`nset id=ebd0a0a2-b9e5-4433-87c0-68b6b72699c7" $DiskpartCommands | Out-File -Encoding ASCII -FilePath $DiskpartScript Invoke-ExternalCommand "diskpart.exe /s $DiskpartScript" $partition | Add-PartitionAccessPath -AccessPath $Script:TargetMountEspPath -ErrorAction Stop Remove-Item $DiskpartScript return $partGuid } Function Dismount-AsSystemPartition([String]$guid) { $partition = Get-Partition | Where-Object { $_.Guid -eq $guid } $diskId = $partition.DiskNumber $partId = $partition.PartitionNumber $partition | Remove-PartitionAccessPath -AccessPath $Script:TargetMountEspPath -ErrorAction Stop $DiskpartScript = Join-Path -Path $Script:TargetTempPath -ChildPath "diskpart.txt" $DiskpartCommands = "select disk $diskId`nselect partition $partId`nset id=c12a7328-f81f-11d2-ba4b-00a0c93ec93b" $DiskpartCommands | Out-File -Encoding ASCII -FilePath $DiskpartScript Invoke-ExternalCommand "diskpart.exe /s $DiskpartScript" Remove-Item $DiskpartScript } Function Invoke-ExternalCommand([String]$Command, [Switch]$ReturnOutput, [Switch]$DisableRedirect, [Switch]$ReturnExitCode) { Write-Log $LEVEL_VERBOSE $Command if (-not $DisableRedirect) { $Command += " 2>&1" } $Output = (Invoke-Expression -Command $Command | Out-String) if ($LastExitCode) { Write-Log $LEVEL_NONE $Output -Verbose if (-not $ReturnExitCode) { Throw ($Strings.ERR_EXTERNAL_CMD -f $LastExitCode) } } if ($ReturnOutput) { return $Output } if ($ReturnExitCode) { return $LastExitCode } } Function Write-Log([String]$Level, [String]$Message, [Bool]$AppendNewLine = $False, [switch]$NoOutput) { $LogMessage = $Message if ($AppendNewLine) { $LogMessage += "`n" } Write-Output -InputObject "$(Get-Date) $LogMessage" | Out-File -FilePath $Script:LogFile -Append if (-not $NoOutput) { switch ($Level) { { $_ -eq $LEVEL_WARNING } { Write-Warning -Message $Message } { $_ -eq $LEVEL_VERBOSE } { Write-Verbose -Message $Message } { $_ -eq $LEVEL_OUTPUT } { Write-Output -InputObject $Message } } } } Function Verify-MSVS14U1Installed() { if (-not (Test-Path -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\DevDiv\VC\Servicing\14.0") -or -not (Test-Path -Path $Script:VSDebuggerBinariesPath) -or -not (Test-Path -Path $Script:VSCRTReleaseBinariesPath) -or -not (Test-Path -Path $Script:VSCRTDebugBinariesPath) -or -not (Test-Path -Path $Script:VSUCRTBinariesPath)) { Throw $Strings.ERR_MSVS_REQUIRED } } Function Verify-UserIsAdministrator() { $CurrentUser = New-Object -TypeName Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal -ArgumentList $([Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()) if (!$CurrentUser.IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltinRole]::Administrator)) { Throw $Strings.ERR_USER_MUST_BE_ADMINISTRATOR } } Function New-DynamicParameter([String]$Name, [System.Type]$Type, $Value, [switch]$Mandatory, [switch]$NotNull) { $ParamAttr = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute $ParamAttr.ParameterSetName = "__AllParameterSets" $ParamAttr.Mandatory = $Mandatory $AttrCollection = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute] $AttrCollection.Add($ParamAttr) $Parameter = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter -ArgumentList ($Name, $Type, $AttrCollection) if ($Value) { $Parameter.Value = $Value } return $Parameter } Function Write-LogHeader() { Write-Log $LEVEL_NONE "========================================" Write-Log $LEVEL_NONE ($Strings.LOG_HEADER -f $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) Write-Log $LEVEL_NONE "========================================" $Params = ($PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object { "-{0}:{1}" -f $_.Key, $_.Value }) -Join " " Write-Log $LEVEL_NONE ("{0} {1}" -f $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name, $Params) } Export-ModuleMember -Function New-NanoServerImage, Edit-NanoServerImage, Get-NanoServerPackage